-Quran Juz 19 – Wa Qaalal Ladhina
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• 19th Juz starts with the mention of the polytheists of Makkah; they disliked the fact the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ used to talk about humanity being raised again for its accountability on the Day of Judgement.
• So, they used to demand two things:
1. Face to face meeting with Allah.
2. Descension of an angel toward them (which they could see).
• Allah mentioned that the root causes of these demands are arrogance, disobedience, and the refusal of the Day of Judgement.
• Allah says that the day will come (Doomsday) when the disbelievers will regret. But that day will be the worst of all for them. They will think that they should have heeded the prophets and the messengers (alaihum assalam) and set themselves on the way shown by them.
• On that day, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ will complain to Allah that his nation had forsaken the Quran.
• As per the Quranic interpreters, people forsaking the Quran can means:
1. Neither did they ever listen to nor believe in it.
2. Believed in and read the Quran but did not implement it in life.
3. Ignored the Quran while solving matters of disputes and issues in life.
4. Inconsiderate of the meanings of the Quran (in general).
5. Did not cure the spiritual ailments through it.
• Then the Quran speaks about destruction of the people of Sa’daatuna Musa, Haroon, Nooh (peace be upon them all); the tribes of Aad and Thamood, the details of whom were covered in the previous parts.
• Verse 41 talks about the disrespect which the polytheists of Makkah used to dare and commit against Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. They used to jokingly say that he ﷺ tried to take them away from Shirk (polytheism), but they stood firm on it. Allah says that when they will know the reality and get the worst of the punishments for their sins, they will realize.
• Verse 58 talks about Allah’s blessings in the form of water.
• The Quran says that there are two ways in which relations are formed:
1. One is through birth (blood related)
2. The other through marriage (in-laws)
• 4 characteristic features of the beloved slaves of Allah are mentioned:
1. They neither lie nor wish to be in a gathering where it is spoken or where a matter is being settled with a lie.
2. They neither involve themselves in any activity which doesn’t concern them (or wastes their time), nor wish to remain in a place where such an activity goes on.
3. When the Quranic verses are recited in front of them as a part of an advice, they listen to it carefully with the intention of heeding to it.
4. They pray for piety to be instilled in their wife and children.
• Then a few qualities of Ibaad ur Rahman (the special slaves of Allah) are mentioned:
1. Modesty & humility, and refrainment from the ignorant.
2. Despite spending nights in Tahajjud prayers, they seek refuge from Hell.
3. They refrain from wasteful spending, and stinginess.
• Surah Shu’ra: The theme of this chapter is messengership.
• This chapter has, as if, scanned through the mentality of the poets.
• The story of Sayyiduna Musa (alaihissalam) and Firawn comes up again in this chapter, the details of which were shared before. Then the Quran mentions about Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam).
• The Quran says that wealth and children cannot benefit on the Day of Judgement, but only piety can.
• Shaytan and all of his followers will mourn on that day, and they will not find any helper.
• The incidents of the previous prophets like Sayyiduna Loot and Sayyiduna Shuaib (alaihuma assalam) are mentioned again.
• Allah says in the verse 192 that the Quran is Allah’s Kalaam, which was revealed/sent by Sayyiduna Jibraeel (alaihissalam) on the sacred heart of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in Arabic language.
• Allah the Exalted criticized those poets who write and speak poetry on every aspects, but do not possess a good character. However, He the Almighty praised those poets who are pious, involved in the remembrance of Allah, and write poetry to bring about justice to the oppressed.
• Surah Namal: Namal means ant, as it is mentioned in this chapter.
• The chapter starts off with a declaration that the Quran is a source of guidance to the believers.
• The incidents of Sadaatuna Musa, Saleh, Loot, Daood, and Suleman (peace be upon them) are mentioned.
• Once Sayyiduna Suleman (alaihissalam) was passing by the place of ants (Quran calls it Wadi Naml) with an army comprising humans, genies, and birds, when he heard an any say to the other to get into the colony, before Suleman (alaihissalam) and his army tramples them. Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) listened to it and smiled, submitted to Allah, and thanked Him for all the favors that He the Exalted granted him and showered on his parents.
• There was an attentive hoopoe (Hudhud) in Sayyiduna Suleman’s (a.s.) court. It once informed Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) that Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba and her nation worship the sun.
• Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) drafted a letter calling her toward Tawheed and handed it to the hoopoe to be delivered to Bilqis.
• Bilqis took Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) mistakenly as a worldly king and sent him some gifts.
• Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) said that he had better gifts which Allah had granted him. So, he sent back the hoopoe to Bilqis, informing her that he will bring his troops to her place.
• Then Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) asked his courtiers as to who can bring Bilqis’ throne before she comes to his court.
• One mighty genie claimed that he could do so before the court gets dismissed for the day.
• Asif bin Barkhiya, one of the companions of Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.), claimed that he could do so before Sayyiduna Suleman (a.s.) could blink his eye. So within the blink of an eye, the throne was right in front of him.
• Then a few changes were made to the throne to see if Bilqis could recognize it; when she came, she recognized it.
• In Sayyiduna Suleman’s (a.s.) court, there was a pond which was covered with crystal slabs. When Bilqis stepped on it, she obviously thought it to be the pool so she raised her garments till her lower legs. When she was told that it was a crystal slab, she submitted and said: “O Lord! Surely I wronged my soul (by committing polytheism). And now along with Suleman I submit to Allah, who is the Lord of all the worlds.”
• Toward the end, there’s a mention of the incidents of Sayyiduna Saleh and Sayyiduna Loot (alaihuma assalam), and their struggle against their nations.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*