- Quran Juz 5 – Wal Muhsanaat
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• While the 4th Juz ended with the list of women relatives who cannot be married with, the 5th Juz completes this topic by saying that all other women are permissible to get married to, in exchange of Mehr, provided the intention is to start a family, not to attain a temporary enjoyment.
• Verse 26 of Aal Imran talks about the two sides of Allah’s mercy:
1. The adherence to the Shariah brings about safety of everyone’s wealth, life, and honor.
2. With the mention of the incidents of the past in the Quran, Allah asks us to have a balanced approach and to reap its goodness.
• Wishful desires lead to distress and depression, whereas adherence to the Shariah not just brings peace but takes a person off from the burdens of unwanted rituals, misleading beliefs, myths, and absurdities.
• Permissible and impermissible ways of earning are mentioned in verse 29. The impermissible ways are through: gambling, betting, theft, burglary, breach of trust (khiyanah), bribery, perjury, and false swearing. All these lead to Hell.
• Good news: Allah promises in the verse 31 that if someone saves himself/herself from bigger sins, He the Exalted will forgive the smaller sins, and will place him/her on the station of honor in the hereafter.
• Allah prohibited jealousy in the next verse. Jealousy is to wish the downfall for those who Allah has excelled in this life by giving wealth & riches, positions, and honor. Rather, it is better to ask Allah for these blessings, than envying others.
• Then Allah states that men are the caretakers of the women (for close relatives like mother, wife, sister, daughter). Allah has given excellence to someone over the others. Men (husbands) spend money over their families (in the way of Mehr during marriage, and it is his responsibility to spend for all day-to-day expenses), whereas pious wives are those who follow their men humbly, and protect their husband’s wealth, children, privacy, and dignity.
• Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was once asked about pious women. He said that she’s the one who makes her husband happy when he sees her, listens to her when he instructs anything, and does not involve in any chore, physically or financially, which her husband feels bad and unpleasant about.
• The Quran talks about rectifying the ill-conduct wives’ character in the following ways:
1. With love
2. By separating their beds temporarily.
3. Deal with them little strictly, without hurting them physically.
• If these steps do not work, Quran asks to bring one person each from spouses’ families as judges/arbitrators, and if they wish to reform, Allah will settle the dispute.
• Verse 41 states the trembling scene of the Day of Judgement when every prophet and messenger will made witnesses for their nations (Ummah), and Prophet Muhammed ﷺ will be made witness against all the humanity.
• The Quran then says, the disbelievers and the disobeyers will wish that the earth be covered upon them so that they can hide, but they will be punished for what they did.
• Next verses talk about refraining from alcohol, few issues related to attaining purity (Janabah), dry cleansing for performing Salah (Tayammum), and evil doings of Jews. Then Allah commanded to return the owners, and ordered to follow Himself and His Prophet ﷺ.
• Then the incident wherein a hypocrite and a Jew came to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ for a resolution is mentioned. Prophet Muhammed ﷺ gave decision in favor of the Jew. He hypocrite then came to Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (ra), who killed the hypocrite for not accepting the prophetic decision. Allah revealed the verse and said that he/she is a hypocrite who does not adhere to any orders of the Prophet ﷺ.
• Verses 60 to 63 continue to talk about the offensive conduct of those hypocrites who wished to refrain from following Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. They used to get their decisions made from the Jews who used to bribe the juries for obtaining wishful judicial statements. Those hypocrites refrain from receiving their decisions as per the Rules of Allah and His messenger ﷺ.
• The next verse is blissful for the believers. Allah says that if anyone becomes a wrongdoer, he must come to the Prophet ﷺ and ask Allah for forgiveness, and the Prophet ﷺ must also ask for their forgiveness, only the to find Allah the Most Merciful and Utmost Forgiver. This shows how important is Prophet Muhammed’s ﷺ stance on the wrongdoer, in the Court of Allah.
• Verse 69 states that the followers of the Prophet ﷺ will be in heaven with the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the most pious.
• Next few verses talk about being vigilant from the trickery of the hypocrites.
• Verse 78 warns Muslims from avoiding Jihad due to the fear of death. One of the signs of hypocrites is being mentioned: When goodness reached them, they used say it is from Allah, when quite opposite happened to them they used to tell the noble Prophet ﷺ: “It is because of you” (Naoozubillah). Allah asked Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to tell them that everything is from Allah. Goodness is from Allah, and afflictions are due to their own bad deeds.
• Then Allah invites people to ponder over the Quran, as it never contradicts in itself, in anything it mentions. The more it gets into a person’s heart, the more it enlightens his heart with the light of Imaan (belief).
• Rumor mongering is then condemned.
• Verse 86 orders us to use better words when a Muslim says Salam to another. (To exemplify, the response to “Assalamualaikum” should be “Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah”).
• The next verses talk about killing and its financial compensation. It also says that the killer of a mu’min for unjust reasons will remain in Hell forever.
• Then the excellence of the Mujahids engaged in battle, for the cause of Islam is mentioned. Allah says that these fighters will never be equal to those who stay back home.
• Then Allah speaks about immigration for practicing Islam. He says that the faith of that person is not trusted who doesn’t leave a place where he cannot practice Islam.
• The procedure of Salatul Khauf was taught, during Ghazwah Banu Mustaliq.
• Allah then ordered to practice justice in any case, referring to an incident of theft wherein the thieves were cunningly witty. They wanted to trap an innocent Jew and get away with their crime.
• The verse 115 grants a rock solid proof for the current times. Everyone knows that the sources of Shariah are 4:
1. Quran
2. Sunnah
3. Ijma
4. Qiyas
For Ijma, Allah called it as Sabeel ul-Mu’mineen (the path of the believers). So whoever gets away from the agreed path of the mu’mineen and muttaqeen scholars and friends of Allah, and makes a separate school of thought and Masjid, he will be the culprit to have created division in the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. The main idea of such elements is the hatred for the Prophet ﷺ that his Ummah be divided. Such people will be dragged to Hell.
• Following verses talk about human disobedience to Allah, Heaven & Hell, Quranic etiquette of gender equality, and the motivation to follow Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam) is being given, who believed Oneness of Allah despite the world going against him.
• Allah talks about issues related to women from verses 172. He also asked people to refrain from cruelty and injustice toward women, by benefiting from their weakness. The issues related to Khula are also mentioned if separation between wife and husband is better.
• Allah asked believers to be the flagbearers of justice toward anyone, no matter they know them or not. Allah asked not to see who will benefit from justice. He also asked Muslims to boycott those meetings which make mockery of Allah’s command.
• Lastly, Allah states that the hypocrites are actually making a mockery of themselves with their dual standars.