- Quran Juz 20 – Amman Khalaqa
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Allah gives 5 proofs of His Lordship at the start of this Juz. He talks about:
1. His control on rainfall and the growth of vegetation.
2. His Power to keep the land still, and that of creating a barrier between fresh and saline water.
3. The help that He Grants to the needy, oppressed, afflicted, distressed, diseased etc.
4. The way which He Shows in the dark, and the cool breezes that He sends before the rainfall.
5. The One who gives sustenance to the living beings, and the One who resurrects you from death.
• Then after giving these proofs, He asks if it is Allah the Exalted who does these, or anything/anyone else?
• The next few verses talk about the repeated objections which were made by the polytheists. Then Allah tells Prophet Muhammed ﷺ that he doesn’t propagate to the dead and the deaf, rather he does so to those who believe in His verses (Allah called the rebellious polytheists as dead and deaf who cannot heed to guidance).
• Then the Quran talks about the happenings on the Day of Judgement.
• At the end Allah says that the guided ones take advantage of the verses and accept the truth, whereas the misguided do the opposite.
• Surah Qasas: The chapter is themed at messengership.
• Though the story of Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) and Firawn (Pharaoh) can be found in many places in the holy Quran, it has been narrated in a uniquely different way in this chapter.
• Firawn had become a capitalist and imperialist like power and had divided the people of Egypt into different groups and class. Hence, his power had no danger from people’s organized collective power against himself.
• Bani Israel, which had then become a minority in Egypt, was oppressed. But Allah wanted to change it, and that Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) was born in such circumstances.
• Firawn knew that a boy from Bani Israel would grow up to dismiss his power and rule. So he used to kill all the boys born in a year, and leave the ones who were born in the other.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) was born in the year when Firawn had ordered to kill the boys.
• Allah informed Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) mother to keep feeding her son, but when she fears the arrival of Firawn’s men to take away her child, she should place the child in a cradle and afloat him into the river. And that’s what she did.
• The river brought Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) to Firawn’s palace. When his wife Sayyidah Aasiyah (alaiha assalam) saw a beautiful child, she started loving him, and told her husband Firawn that the child had become an apple of her eye and requested him not to kill him because she wanted to adopt the child. Firawn agreed.
• Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) sister traced him and reached Firawn’s palace, who had already issued an order that he is looking for a wet nurse to feed Musa (a.s.). Many women tried to feed Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) but Allah had in advance prohibited the feed of other women.
• Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) sister told Firawn that she can introduce a lady who can be a wet nurse. When granted permission, she brought her mother (Sayyiduna Musa’s mother) to the palace. Obviously, Sayyiduna Musa then accepted the feed. SubhanAllah, what a plan by Allah! The enemy of Musa was paying Musa’s mother to feed her son.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) grew up in Firawn’s palace, and when he grew, Allah granted him the treasures of knowledge and wisdom.
• Once, while entering the city, Musa saw that a man from Firawn’s tribe was torturing a poor guy from Bani Israel. When the latter saw Musa (a.s.), he came to him and complained about the former.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) slapped the oppressor, who instantly died.
• Seeing this, Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) became concerned, sought Allah’s forgiveness, which was accepted. But then Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) came to know that Firawn’s men were searching for him.
• Upon seeking divine help, Allah sent him to Madyan (westernized as Midian).
• Upon reaching the place, Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) saw that people were forming ques to get water for their cattle. Two girls too were in the line but couldn’t get the water due to the crowd.
• When Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) enquired, they said that their father is very old, so they had to fetch water, but couldn’t do so due to the crowd.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) brought water for them, and then sat to relax under a shade. When he felt hunger and thirst, he prayed to Allah to grant him goodness.
• Right after asking this dua, one of the two girls came to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) in utmost modesty and said that her father had called her to return the favor which he had done to the girls.
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) went there; few Quranic interpreters say that the old man was Sayyiduna Shuaib (alaihissalam). Upon inquiring, he asked Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) to stay with them. He also gave one of his daughters in marriage to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.).
• Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) stayed there for 10 years, and also herded his father in law’s goats.
• After 10 years, Musa (alaihissalam) took his wife along and travelled towards Egypt. The night was cold, and he was passing by Mount Sinai. He saw a blaze from afar. He told his wife that he would bring some fire, which can bring them some comfort from the cold.
• When he reached the place, Allah spoke to Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.), gave him prophethood, and made his staff and hand miraculous. Allah also accepted Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) request for his brother Sayyiduna Haroon (a.s.) to be made his assistant, and also granted him eloquence in speech.
• When Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) returned to Egypt, he called Firawn toward Tawheed, but he didn’t agree, until Firawn drowned and died.
• Actually, Sayyiduna Musa’s (a.s.) story comes again and again in the Quran as Allah wanted to console our beloved Prophet Muhammed ﷺ by saying that no matter how tough the situations become, Allah will make him ﷺ victorious. (SubhanAllah)
• Allah also mentioned Qaroon, who Allah gave immense wealth and riches, happened to be one of the close relatives of Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.). When called toward Tawheed, Qaroon denied the invitation.
• But the pride of wealth made him arrogant. Rather than considering his wealth as being given by Allah, he considered it to be the virtue of his expertise and smartness.
• Once Qaroon came out with the keys of his tremendous wealth, which were laden on many animals. Everyone started to wish for a treasure to be granted to himself. But the wise and the people of belief explained that the pleasure of Allah and the blessings which it brings are far better than this treasure of Qaroon. But people remained greedy.
• One fine day Allah suddenly let earth swallow him along with his wealth, so that nobody makes a perception that gaining wealth is a sign of success in the Court of Allah.
• In this chapter, Allah promised Prophet Muhammed ﷺ to bring him back to the sacred city of Makkah, which became a reality when he ﷺ liberated Makkah from oppression.
• Surah Ankaboot: Ankaboot means spider.
• In this chapter Allah mentions a criterion of salvation. He says that mere saying that one has brought belief is not sufficient, but the believers have to undergo tests.
• The stories of the previous prophets and their nations have been mentioned in the Quran so that we the Ummah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ understand what challenges they underwent and what we too can or will have to undergo.
• Allah also mentioned about the those people who passed Allah’s test. For example, the As’hab ul Ukhdood (People of the Ditch) and the magicians during the time of Sayyiduna Musa (a.s.) who repented and stayed firm on Islam despite being tortured and threatened to be killed. They were martyred anyway, but the certainty of death didn’t take their steps back from Imaan.
• Sayyida Asiya (alaiha assalam) was also martyred, but she remained firm on Tawheed.
• Similarly, the Sahaba of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ too had to undergo great difficulties. Few of them were Sayyiduna Bilal, Sayyida Sumayya, Sayyida Zunairah etc., may Allah be well pleased with them all.
• Then the Quran advised to behave well with parents, even if they are polytheists. However, if they ask their children to go against the commands of Allah, children have to remain on Islam, by disregarding their calls toward polytheism or anything un-Islamic.
• Then the stories of a few prophets are narrated, which have been covered previously.
• In the verse 41 of this chapter, Allah exemplifies the unsound and weak belief of the ones who call others as their gods other than Allah, as a cobweb, which is the weakest abode of any creature. Finally, Allah said that he gives examples for people to understand, but just that only the people of knowledge and wisdom take heed.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*