- Quran Juz 26 – Haa Meem
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• Surah Ahqaf: Ahqaf was the capital of the then superpower Aad.
• The chapter starts with the mention of the truthfulness of Quran, the signs of nature which hint the existence of Allah, and the Oneness of Allah.
• This chapter includes Allah’s special emphasis about behaving with one’s parents in the best possible way.
• The Quran talks about the immense pains and troubles a mother carries during her pregnancy.
• The tenure of breast-feeding has been mentioned as 30 months.
• Allah gave glad tidings and promised to those who pray for their parents and themselves that He will forgive their sins and enter them into Heaven.
• In verse 15 of this chapter Allah talks about treating parents well. Though it talks about treating both father and mother well, more emphasis is given on being good to mother because of the pains she undergoes, and Prophet Muhammed ﷺ too taught the same.
• Further, the Quran says that children are of two types:
1. Saleh (obedient; prays for parents).
2. Faasiq (disobedient & disrespectful).
• Then begins the story of the people of Aad. Sayyiduna Hood (alaihissalam) was sent to them; they did not heed the Godly and prophetic commands and continued with their polytheistic practices. When they were given ample time and multiple attempts were made by Sayyiduna Hood (a.s.), it was high time. Allah decided to punish them.
• The people of Aad saw blazing summer. They were eagerly waiting for rainfall.
• Allah sent toward them clouds. They thought it’s the end of their wait for a rain, but with the clouds there were tremendous winds and storm. The winds burnt everything it touched. The people were destroyed.
• The mention of the people of Aad in the Quran was to warn the polytheists of Makkah.
• Then Allah talks about genies accepting Islam.
• One day Prophet Muhammed ﷺ was reciting the Noble Quran when a group of genies came toward him to listen. When they came to him ﷺ, they said to themselves: “Listen carefully”. When they were done with it, they returned to their places with the intention to bring them toward the orders and commands of Allah.
• When they returned, they said to their masses what they heard of, and also about the truthfulness of the Quran. They then called others toward Islam.
• The Divine plan behind this incident was to encourage and motivate Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and his companions (Allah is pleased with them), as they tried their best to convince the polytheists of Makkah, but they’d not been accepting Islam. However then, a completely different set of creation accepted Islam.
• Surah Muhammad: This chapter is named after our beloved prophet ﷺ.
• The beautiful name Muhammad is mentioned 4 times in the entire Quran, whereas in several different places, Allah called him ﷺ with different titles.
• This surah talks about the etiquette of war.
• It was mentioned to deal with the prisoners of wars in the following ways:
1. To imprison them so that they do not trouble Muslims.
2. To release them through redemption.
3. To treat them well and release them if they show hopes of accepting Islam.
• Verses 15 onwards talk about the beautiful scenes of Heaven (refer to the Quran for more). Allah calls Heaven as the abode for the pious (Muttaqi).
• Then Allah advises Muslims to follow Muttaqi.
• In the later verses, Allah also talks about the hypocrites and compares them with the believers, how the former criticizes the verses of the Quran indirectly, how the openly show their real face when they are ordered to set out for the war to defend Islam.
• Allah says that the hypocrites accept Islam superficially, but they actually wish to spread chaos and corruption among Muslims.
• The end of the chapter talks about the significance of Jihad in Islam. Allah says that if Muslims ignore it, He the Exalted will replace them with others who will not be like the replaced. They will involve themselves in Jihad and will make Islam a dominating religion over the rest.
• Surah Fat’h: Revealed during the peace treaty at Hudaibiyyah, it gave forecasted good news of Makkah coming into the fold of Islam.
• When this chapter was revealed, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said that he loved it more than this world and the one in the hereafter. After saying this, he recited a few initial verses from Surah Fat’h.
• Initially, Allah says that He decided to prevail Islam for the sake of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.
• Allah also gave the glad tidings of forgiving the previous and the later sins of his ﷺ ummah.
• Verses 8 to 13 talk about the closeness and stature of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in the Court of Allah. In verse 9, Allah commanded Muslims to immensely respect him ﷺ heart and soul.
• Then the next verses talk about the companions who’re kind among themselves but are tough against the disbelievers (in defending Islam).
• *Surah Hujurat:*Hujurat is the plural of Hujrah which means room or house. The bedouins used to visit Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, stand by his house, and call the prophet ﷺ Muhammed in an indecent way from outside. That’s how the chapter got its name, while it is also called Surah Aadaab as it taught the etiquette and standards of being with Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.
• Initially, Allah taught Muslims not to step ahead of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in any matter.
• It was also taught to keep voices lower than that of our beloved’s ﷺ. Allah warned that if people did not do so, all of their good deeds would perish, and they wouldn’t even know.
• Allah says that these people of good manners with the beloved prophet ﷺ get Godwariness and sincerity. For them alone is forgiveness and great reward.
• Allah condemned those who didn’t used to call the beloved ﷺ in a decent fashion and called them senseless people.
• The Sahaba carried this Quranic legacy even after the passing of the prophet ﷺ. Once Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (ra) saw two people talking in a high voice in Masjid Nabawi. When he enquired about their place, they replied that they were from Taif. He replied that if they were from Madinah, he would have dealt with them very strictly.
• The second Ruku of this chapter teaches more etiquette and manners. Allah told Muslims:
1. Not to ridicule each other.
2. Not to find faults with others.
3. Not to call others names.
4. Not to conjecture.
5. Not to dig down peoples’ state (e.g.: of them being strong Muslim or not, etc.).
6. Not to backbite each other.
• Allah equated backbiting with eating the flesh of a dead brother.
• Allah established an easy path toward equality and cut the roots of all those matters which cause issues. He the Exalted declared that nationality, tribal affiliation, caste, color, race, etc. will not make anyone closer to Him, rather it is Taqwah (piety and Godfearing).
• Surah Qaaf: It is themed at Tawheed, Risalah, and life after death.
• Allah yet again calls people towards pondering over nature, so that they can recognize Him.
• Allah stated that He is closer to humans more than their jugular veins. Not just a human’s outward action, Allah says He is aware of what goes on in his heart and mind.
• Allah says that He did not get tired after making the universe, then how can He get tired of resurrecting human beings on the Day of Judgement.
• Allah said that the birth and death are in His control.
• Finally, Allah asked Muslims to keep Quran as their base for bringing people toward Allah and letting them know His Promises.
• Surah Dhaariyaat: Allah started this chapter by swearing in the names of winds, clouds which rain, ships which travel, and the angels which maintain the universal system by His Orders that life after death is certain.
• Verse 15 onwards talk about the pious. Allah says pious are those who:
1. Sleep a little at night.
2. Get up in the last part of night and seek forgiveness.
• Allah says that the people of wealth must share with those who ask them for it, and also those who do not have any wealth.
• Then Allah talks about sending the two angels to Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam) to give him glad tidings of a son.
• Then Allah says that He grants children no matter the couple is young or old, fertile or infertile. He has Complete and Supreme Command & Power over everything.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*