- Quran Juz 11 – Ya’taziroon
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• 11th Juz continues to talk about those hypocrites who didn’t accompany Prophet Muhammed ﷺ in the Expedition of Tabuk. Allah says that they thought that the Muslims will lose the war and thus refrained from joining. But Allah kept the morale of the Islamic infantry high, as the Byzantines didn’t turn up at Tabuk at all for the combat.
• Before Prophet Muhammed ﷺ returned to Madinah from Tabuk, Allah informed him that the hypocrites will give him lame excuses, and asked him ﷺ to tell the same to the hypocrites.
• Verse 98 of Surah Tawbah talked about two types of Arab nomadic villagers:
1. The ones who regarded money spending in the way of Allah as a compulsory fine, and looked forward to misfortunes befalling on Muslims.
2. Those who saw the money spending in Allah’s way as a means of attaining nearness to Allah, and earning the prophet’s ﷺ supplications for themselves.
• Allah then gave glad tidings to the Muhajireen (Sahaba who migrated from Makkah), Ansaar (Sahaba of Madinah who supported to Muhajireen), and the Tabaeen (those who followed the Muhajireen and Ansaar).
• Allah praised those who acknowledge their mistakes and try to perform good deeds. Allah definitely accepts their repentance.
• Next verse talks about those Muslims who did not take part in the Expedition of Tabuk despite having no excuse. They later realized their mistake and punished themselves even before the holy prophet’s ﷺ return from Tabuk. One of them tied themselves to a pillar. Later, they received glad tidings from prophet Muhammed ﷺ of them being forgiven by Allah.
• Verse 107 talks about Masjid Dirar, constructed by hypocrites near Masjid Quba, to spread mischief. They had their undercover support of the Christians. They wanted invited Prophet Muhammed ﷺ for its inauguration, so that the structure becomes sacred in the eyes of the Muslims, but their main idea was to promote division among the ranks of Muslims. Allah informed Prophet Muhammed ﷺ about their evil intentions, so the noble prophet ﷺ his companions to destroy the structure.
• The above incident shows that superficial good deeds, if done with bad intentions are not acceptable in the Sacred Court of Allah.
• Allah praised the sincere and pious Muslims of Masjid Quba, and appreciated their apparent and hidden zeal for Islam.
• Next verse says that the Kalimah recitation is an agreement in which a slave of Allah surrenders his/her life and all the belongings. Allah in turn grants him/her great stations in the Heaven. If any person misuses the life and wealth given by Allah by disobeying Allah’s commands, it is a breach of agreement, and he/she is ought to be punished.
• It was during the Expedition of Tabuk that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ appealed for financial support. Sayyiduna Uthman bin Affan (ra) donated a 700 camel train of goods, Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab (ra) donated half of everything he had – and was thus humbly optimistic that he had donated the most. But Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) donated everything that he had in the Way of Allah. When asked by our beloved prophet ﷺ as to what he retained or left at home, he said: “I left Allah and His Messenger’s (ﷺ) love at home.” He had donated EVERYTHING he had for Islam at the prophet’s ﷺ appeal.
• At the end of this chapter Allah talks about Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. He the Exalted says that the prophet ﷺ is a human which is a matter of pride for the entire humanity. He loves his Ummah intensely and is its biggest well-wisher. The smallest of the trouble on the Ummah is extremely troubling for him.
• Surah Yunus: This chapter talks about Quran being wise, and the approach of the deniers of this Book of Allah who always wonder why it was revealed on a human being.
• The chapter also says that the sending of the messenger of Allah ﷺ shouldn’t let people go into wonderment. In fact, Allah says, the messengers and prophets were sent from time to time to the people for guidance.
• Then Allah is categorizing human beings:
1. Those who accept to the message of the prophets and the messengers – Heaven is their permanent abode.
2. Those who reject them – they will forever be in Hell.
• Verse 12 talks about those who denied the verse of the Quran.
• Next few verses explain that Allah does not haste to punish the disbelievers.
• Verse 18 talks about those who the polytheists took as gods, who used to reason that their gods will request for their forgiveness in the Court of Allah. However, it is noteworthy that the polytheists consider these false gods as gods. However, Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and all the other prophets are the chosen slaves of Allah, and they will intercede for the sinners with the permission of Allah, inshaAllah.
• Verse 22 talks about the various blessings of Allah. In it, the Creator also says that the human calls Allah as a final resort if his ship is on the verge of destruction, but when saved, he continues to disobey Allah.
• The story of Sayyiduna Nuh (alaihissalam) is then briefly mentioned. Allah saved those who followed Sayyiduna Nuh (a.s.), and drowned his opponents in flood and wind.
• Then there’s a mention of Sayyiduna Musa and Sayyiduna Haroon (alaihuma assalam) being sent to Firawn, again. When Firawn was about to drown, he said that he wants to believe in the Lord of Musa, but it was too late and unacceptable to Allah. As per a hadith, Allah accepts the faith of a person before he/she slips into Sakrat al-Mawt. Sakrat is when a person dazes into death.
• Then Allah said that He will preserve Firawn’s body so that it becomes a lesson for those who ponder.
• This chapter is named after Sayyiduna Yunus (alaihissalam). Out of the many rebellious nations, this nation of Sayyiduna Yunus (a.s.) was the only one which repented and saved itself from Allah’s punishment.