- Quran Juz 21 – Utlu Ma Oohiya
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• This Juz starts off with the divine commands of Quranic recitation and establishment of prayers.
• The benefit of establishing prayers is mentioned. It keeps a person off from indecency and vulgarity. Hence, a Muslim can use this as a parameter to know the acceptance or rejection of his/her prayers in the Court of Allah.
• How can a person deem his prayers as acceptable if s/he is involved in lies, breach of promises, oppression, open loot, indecency in vision and speech etc.
• One of the characteristic features of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is being mentioned, that is he did not formally learn to read and write. However, his teacher is Allah the Exalted; there is a hidden wisdom behind this aspect.
• Then Allah commanded that a Muslim must not shun morals should there be a need to discuss and debate with the People of the Book (Jews and Christians).
• In the verse 48, Allah tells his beloved prophet ﷺ that he neither read any book before the revelation of Quran, nor did he use to write. Because if he ﷺ did, the deniers would have said that the Quran is a copied work from the previously revealed books.
• The next few verses expound that the real sustainer is Allah. He the Exalted exemplifies that animals do keep their sustenance with themselves, wherever they go. Though it is good to plan and choose means for sustenance, but a Muslims should always know that only Allah is the real sustainer.
• Then Allah says that a human should not consider himself as superior if s/he gets vast provisions and worldly wealth. Rather, it is from the wisdom of Allah to plan and grant them as such.
• Surah Ruum: The chapter starts of with mentioning the truthfulness of the Holy Quran. Everything which was forecasted in the Quran turned out to be completely true.
• The Romans were the People of the Book, so the Muslims sympathized with them. Likewise, the Makkan polytheists sympathized with the other superpower of those times – the Sassanids (Persians) as they denied the divine system.
• Once it so happened that the Sassanids defeated the Romans. The Makkans rejoiced over this victory, merely because the defeated - Romans were the People of the Book.
• Then Allah mentioned that in a few years, the Romans would win. So, after a period of 7 years, the Romans won, and the Muslims too won at Badr.
• Chapter Ruum portrays the struggle between the Groups of Rahman (Allah) and the groups of Shaytan, which have been doing so since the day one on this globe. It will continue till the Day of Judgement.
• Verse 9 says that people with material power shouldn’t forget Allah’s control over everything.
• Next few verses talk about marital love.
• Allah called these as his signs: the creation of the heavens and the earth, different languages, human complexions, the nighttime for taking rest, and the day for working to gain sustenance.
• Allah called these are the aspects for the wise to ponder upon: lightning and thunder – which create blended emotions of hope and fear in the humans, and the rain which causes the fields to flourish.
• Universality of Islam: Further ahead, Allah says that everyone is bound and restricted with his own ideology. The solution to it is to calmly choose a way of life which is compatible with human nature.
• Etiquette of giving charity: Allah said that the first who should be supported financially are the family (or the greater family) members, then the poor, and the travelers.
• Allah talks about the human life cycle and says that He emerged a youth from a child, and will again return humans to old age, with weakness.
• Then the episode of the Day of Judgement is mentioned so that people can ponder and accept the truth.
• The chapter ends with the mention of those polytheists of Makkah who never heeded the words of Allah.
• Surah Luqman: This chapters mentions Luqman the Wise in itself, hence the naming.
• The chapter also talks about those who benefit from wisdom. They’ve been given glad tidings of success in the hereafter. Moreover, it also criticizes those who put hurdles in the way the people who wish to attain Quranic guidance.
• Luqman the Wise was black in complexion; he was from the unknown Egyptian town named Nubia.
• Luqman gave the following pieces of advice to his child:
1. Do not ascribe any partners with Allah. It is indeed a major sin.
2. No matter an iota of anything, either hidden in a mountain, or anywhere between the heavens and the earth, Allah will present it in front on the Day of Judgement for reckoning.
3. To establish prayers.
4. To enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.
5. To remain patient during calamities and trouble – indeed it takes courage and persistence.
6. Do not turn away from people by showing off your pride, and do not walk on land with arrogance. Allah doesn’t like such people.
7. Walk with a balanced pace; speak politely. Indeed, the worst of all the voices is that of a donkey.
• The next few verses talk about Allah’s Command on everything, and the mention of the horrific episodes of Doomsday.
• Allah Knows better as to the time of the Day of Judgement, the fall of rain, the gender of the fetus, the future proceedings of the humans, and the whereabouts of peoples’ graves.
• Surah Sajdah: The chapter too is themed at the Capabilities of Allah, Tawheed, the different levels of the creation of human beings etc.
• Allah talks about those people who, when they listen any verses revealed by Him, they prostrate by glorifying Him, do not remain arrogant, remain away from their beds to worship Him, fear Allah’s punishment while firmly believing in His Mercy.
• Allah says that a believer and a transgressor cannot be the same.
• At the end, Allah talks to Prophet Muhammed ﷺ, tells him to ignore the polytheists’ question about the day of victory of the truthful.
• Surah Ahzaab: Abzaab means groups.
• All the opposers of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ gathered an army and attacked Muslims in Madinah. Muslims defended themselves by digging a trench (Khandaq) in Madinah. Because of this, this unfought battle is called Ghazwah Khandaq or Ghazwah Ahzaab.
• This chapter is themed on the Ghazwah and Islamic legislation.
• This surah starts off with ordering piety and complete trust in Allah.
• Then Allah says metaphorically that Allah hasn’t created two hearts in one soul – which means belief & disbelief, guidance & misguidance, and truth & falsehood cannot remain in a single human being.
• Adopted children cannot be included in the adopted parent’s genealogy. Islam asks to retain the actual lineage, despite adoption.
• If there’s no information about a Muslim’s genealogy, then Allah says s/he is another Muslim’s brother/sister in religion.
• Allah says in verse 6 that Prophet Muhammed ﷺ is closer to every believer more than their own souls, and that his respected and honorable wives (Allah be pleased with them all) are the mothers of all the believers.
• Then comes the mention of the attack by all the disbelievers of the then Arab world in Ghazwah Khandaq against Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and the Muslims, and Allah’s help which forced the disbelievers to return unfought.
• The then Jew and the hypocrites were condemned.
• Allah says that indeed in the persona of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ lies the best example for those who believe.
• The noble wives of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ asked for a better living when Muslims kept on winning battles. So Allah declared them to choose one out of the following two options:
1. If any one of them loves the worldly life, they can do so.
2. If they need Allah’s blessings, Prophet Muhammed’s support and love, and a better hereafter, they will have the best returns in the hereafter from Allah.
• Alhamdulillah, every mother of the believers opted for the support and blessings of Allah and His Beloved Messenger ﷺ.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*