- Quran Juz 23 – Wama Liya
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• Surah Yaseen starts in the 22nd Juz, but for the ease of the readers, we’re mentioning its summary in this part.
• Surah Yaseen: It has immense virtues hidden in itself, and is one of the most read chapters from the Quran.
• It is also a tradition to recite it in front of a dying Muslim.
• This chapter is considered to be the heart of the Quran.
• Initially, Allah talks about his wisdom in this surah.
• Then He mentions those prophets (peace be upon them) who He sent toward Antakya (Antioch). When they called people towards Allah, they didn’t heed, rather they said that the prophets brought a misfortune for them in the sense of they being involved in inflation and mutual disagreements.
• The prophets (pbut) replied that the root cause for their misfortune is their disbelief in the message of Allah; they (pbut) warned them against the punishment of Allah.
• A person named Habib Najjar (aka Habib the Carpenter) who had accepted the prophets’ invite toward Allah, also invited his people toward Islam. He acknowledged the truthfulness and holiness of the prophets and told them that they are calling them toward good without any anticipation of material benefits.
• 23rd Juz starts here – The people of Antioch didn’t listen to Habib Najjar too and killed him and the prophets (pbut).
• As a result of this great martyrdom, Allah sent an angel to Antioch which produced a terrible cry resulting in the death and destruction of the deniers.
• Allah placed the martyrs in Heaven. Upon the entry into the Heaven when they saw Allah’s blessings, Habib Najjar said impulsively that he wished his people knew of his success in the hereafter (that Allah forgave him and gave him an entry into Jannah).
• The next verses talk about the stupendous Power & Majesty of Allah the Exalted. Allah asks people to ponder over the celestial system to connect it with the Existence of Himself as the Creator. This is for the benefit of humans, so that they recognize Him.
• He the Exalted also takes our consideration toward the means of transport that humans use.
• The next verses exhort the spending on poor & destitute, the demand of the polytheists of Makkah to Allah (through Prophet Muhammed ﷺ) to establish the Hour immediately. Allah said that it will come on to them suddenly.
• The next verses take us through the episodes of the Hour again. When the trumpet will be blown uncountable number of people will rise from their graves and run towards Allah. They will shout uncontrollably after looking at the horrors of the Hour as to who raised them from our graves. They’ll be forced to say that Allah the Most High and all the prophets and messengers (pbut) spoke about it. Post this, accountability free from any injustice will be executed, and humans and genies will be either rewarded or punished per their deeds.
• The dwellers of Heaven will be in great pleasure, with their spouses; everything that they wish will be presented to them.
• On the contrary, the people eligible for Hell will be reprimanded. Allah will tell them that He had stopped them from following Shaytan, but majority of the humanity didn’t heed despite prophets after prophets sent by Him. Their mouths will be sealed, and their other organs will confess and declare their sins in front of Allah. Then they will be sent to Hell.
• The chapter ends with an answer to those deniers of the Hereafter who used to wonder who would assemble the rotten and dissolved bones of humans to wake them up on Doomsday. Allah replies that the same Creator will do so which He did previously when humans didn’t even exist.
• Allah mentions one of His qualities of bringing anything into existence. He just need to Order His Holy Command of Kun (Be), and it comes into existence.
• Surah Saaffaat: The word Saaffaat refers to angels, who stand in the Court of Allah and be present there in Saf (line – actually lines after lines).
• Earlier, the evil genies had access to the heavenly universe, but it got closed unto them later. So when they still try to ascend to get the heavenly news, the meteors chase them away.
• The next verses talk about the mutual conversations of the dwellers of Heaven and Hell.
• One from Heaven will say that he is unable to find one of his friends who used to make fun of his belief in the hereafter. Allah will ask him to look downwards if he wants to see his friend. When he will do so, he will see his friend being tormented in Hell. The dweller of Heaven will tell his friend that Allah’s blessed him with safety, otherwise he was all after him to let him go astray.
• Then the chapter narrates the stories of a few prophets like Sa’daatuna Nuh, Ibraheem, Is’haq, Musa, Haroon, Ilyas, Loot, Yunus (peace be upon them all).
• Then the polytheists’ claim of the angels being Allah’s daughters (astaghfirullah) was denied by Allah. Angels are Allah’s worshippers who glorify Allah by standing in uncountable ques.
• Surah Saad: Allah swears in the name of the Quran at the beginning of this chapter, which either denotes Quran as a book of miracle, or indicates the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ.
• The next verses warn the disbelievers in Tawheed of the Godly punishment.
• Then Allah refers to those polytheists who self-admired their power and claimed godship. Allah tells them (and to us through their mention) that if that was so, they would have had their kingdom in the heavens and the earth, and they could have climbed up on a ladder upwards toward Heavens. But obviously neither were they gods, nor they were true in their erroneous thinking.
• Then Allah mentions the people of Nooh (a.s.), Aad, Firawn, Thamood, people of Loot and Shuaib (alaihuma assalam).
• Then Allah talks about Sayyiduna Daood (alaihissalam). Apart from mentioning his attributes (which were covered in the previous Juz), Allah talks about an incident involving him.
• Once Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) was resting in his place when two men suddenly showed up, causing him a concern. When asked, they said that they had come to settle a dispute.
• One of the two said that his brother has 99 rams, whereas he has only one. He also said that his brother is pressurizing him to give him that one ram too.
• Before listening to the second person, Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) told the other person that he is committing an abuse by demanding as such, as he already had 99 rams. But then Sayyiduna Daood (a.s.) realized that he should have listened to the other person too. He regretted passing on his verdict as such, and quickly prostrated to Allah. When Allah saw His great slave prostrating Him, He the Exalted mercifully reminded him that he is the caliph of Allah on earth, and that he should deal with people justly.
• Verse 31 onwards talk about Sayyiduna Suleman (alaihissalam) [the details of whom were covered in the previous Juz].
• Verse 41 onwards talk about Sayyiduna Ayyub (alaihissalam).
• The next verses talk about Sayyiduna Ibraheem (alaihissalam).
• Verses 71 onwards talk about Sayyiduna Adam (alaihissalam).
• Surah Zumar: Zumar means crowds. Since the end of this chapter talks about the crowds or groups getting into Heaven and Hell, it has been named as such.
• At the start of this chapter, Allah asks humans to be true in their religion and worship only Allah. Allah declared those polytheists as liars who used to say that they worship idols as they bring them close to Allah.
• It is a mere miracle that the Quran said 1400 years ago that the embryo comprises of 3 layers, which seemingly looks like having a single layer. This is something that scientists discovered in the 20th century. The Holy Quran metaphorically called the germinal layers three darkness, as they protect the child in womb from light.
• At the end of the Juz Allah distinguishes a believer and a polytheist with an example. He the Supreme says: “Allah has given an example of a slave who is owned by many partners who are ill mannered and mutually quarrelsome. And on the other hand, there is a person who is a slave to only one master. Can they both be alike? Not at all.”
• A Muslim is liable to please only One True Creator – Allah! The obedience of one true Creator frees him from the slavery of anything/anyone else.
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*Seerah of Rasoolullah ﷺ*